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St. Brendan's National School, Cartron Point, Sligo
Dribblethon Fundraiser 22nd March , Save the Date
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Biodiversity Action Plan for Cartron

We have been taking part in a Bird Watching project as part of the community's efforts to produce a biodiversity action plan for Cartron.   Ecologist Melinda Swann visited 2nd-5th classes and as a result we made and set up bird feeders in the more sheltered areas around the back of the school and watched what birds came to visit us. We learned a lot about what birds like to eat and even made our own food to encourage the birds to visit us.    Unfortunately, the school closure period disrupted our project. However, Melinda has been back in contact and is hoping that the school AND individual families will now take action again.   


This is the letter that Melinda sent to us:     "CALLING ALL WILDLIFE ENTHUSIASTS... Last year the Cartron Community Recreation Committee were lucky to secure a small grant from the Community Foundation for Ireland to produce a biodiversity action plan for Cartron. It is envisaged that a habitat map and plan to advise on ways to increase biodiversity within Cartron will be produced by July 2021. The ecologist Melinda Swann will provide the mapping and write up of the plan however, she needs your help...If you are interested in wildlife spotting and the natural world and would like to contribute by doing some or all of the following: the Garden Bird Survey; general wildlife recording; planting vegetables and wild seeds in your garden in the Spring; adopting a green with some neighbours to enhance biodiversity; providing a history of the area etc. please get in touch via the Cartron Community Recreation Committee Facebook page @cartroncommunityrecreationcommittee · Community or preferably by emailing Melinda at We think it will be a fun project and will hopefully go towards increasing biodiversity in the Cartron area making it an even more beautiful place to live. We look forward to hearing from you. Regards Melinda"  

We agree that it is a great idea to encourage wildlife in Cartron. It will make the environment of the school and our homes so much nicer to live in. But it will also contribute to the global effort to protect and enhance the natural environment. And in these difficult times, we think that caring for our environment is a great and positive thing that we can all do.


16th Apr 2024
Well done to Ryan & Amira who presented our river observations of the local Willsborough...