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St. Brendan's National School, Cartron Point, Sligo

Environmental Awareness and Care

St. Brendan's is a Green School. We have achieved many green flags from An Taisce over the past few years, including flags for Litter and Waste Management, Energy Conservation, Sustainable Travel, Biodiversity etc.

All classes learn about practical ways to care for our school and local environment. This broadens out to developing an understanding of the need to care for the global environment.

Even though we have a very urban location, we use all spaces possible for gardening activities. We believe that gardening has many benefits in terms of wellbeing and satisfaction and encourage all pupils to get involved. 


30th May 2024
For the last two years, our Senior Autism Class participated in the Creative Cluster...
10th May 2024
Our senior EAL pupils made the most of the sunny weather today to plant some summer...
30th Apr 2024
Today our caterpillars arrived in First Class  🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛 Yay!!! We...