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St. Brendan's National School, Cartron Point, Sligo
Dribblethon Fundraiser 22nd March , Save the Date
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NEW: A New Primary Maths Curriculum is being introduced to all primary schools from Autumn 2023. There will be lots of staff training and a new playful approach to maths for everyone to enjoy. See parents information below.


We prioritise maths as a core learning area in St. Brendan’s NS.

We introduced new textbooks in September 2021:Operation Maths for 3rd-6th Classes; Busy at Maths for Infants to 2nd classes


Alongside our Maths textbooks, we have introduced the following to enrich our maths teaching and learning:

  • Junior and Senior Infants use the Ready, Set, Go maths programme.
  • First and Second Classes use Maths Recovery.
  • Second to Sixth Classes use Target Boards to promote mental maths and concepts in a fun and holistic fashion.
  • All classes take part in Maths Week activities in October each year.
  • Izak cubes are used in middle and senior classes.
  • Mental Maths workbooks are used daily in first to second classes.
  • Teachers drill and practise tables regularly in junior, middle and senior classes.
  • Numicon resources are available for pupils in junior classes and for those needing additional support with understanding number throughout the school.
  • We have a class set of android tablets readily available so that pupils can access online apps, games and videos to encourage active engagement with a variety of maths topics.
  • Maths game sessions are encouraged on all classes eg card games, board games, dominoes, chess etc.
  • A broad range of hands-on materials have been purchased and are readily available to assist understanding and learning in all maths strands and strand units.
  • Maths Trails unique to our school have been developed and shared.
  • Pupils in 5th/6th classes are taught how to use calculators to assist with their maths learning. These are used to assist computation when it is important to focus more particularly on concept understanding and problem-solving.
  • All teachers are encouraged to use a variety of methodologies when teaching each maths topic to ensure all learning styles are catered for.

Aims of the Maths curriculum in St. Brendan's NS:

In keeping with the guidelines of the Primary School Curriculum we aim to:

  • Develop a positive attitude towards mathematics and an appreciation of both its practical and its aesthetic aspects
  • Develop problem-solving abilities and a facility for the application of mathematics to everyday life
  • Enable the child to use mathematical language effectively and accurately
  • Enable the child to acquire an understanding of mathematical concepts and processes to his/her appropriate level of development and ability
  • Enable the child to acquire proficiency in fundamental mathematical skills and in recalling basic number facts
  • Encourage work on open-ended problems, where emphasis is placed on using skills and discussion, rather than seeing a unique solution
  • Ensure that the children are involved in the learning process through manipulation, discovery, discussion and deduction
  • Present a programme appropriate to individual needs within a class
  • Encourage a variety of approaches to mathematical tasks;
    • Collaboration and co-operation
    • Listening
    • Accepting and evaluating the views of others
  • Each teacher will link strands wherever possible and integrate with other areas of the curriculum


Each teacher will aim to follow the content objectives of each strand of the mathematics curriculum (as outlined in the Primary School Curriculum, pages 12, 13 & 14) appropriate to the child's level of ability and development.

Curriculum Strands: 

  • Early mathematical Activities (Infants)
  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Shape and space
  • Measures
  • Data

Active Learning and Guided Discovery

We promote active learning in maths through:

  • Use of concrete materials in all classes
  • Ensuring sufficient provision of hands-on materials in each classroom
  • Use of ICT
  • Provision of problem-solving puzzle materials appropriate to each class level
  • Provision of maths games in each classroom e.g. dice games, dominoes, playing cards, board games
  • Development of Maths Trails appropriate for each class level
New Maths Curriculum
The NCCA are
currently developing
a new maths
curriculum. Follow
this link to view
the most recent
Operation Maths Parents' Pages
Blog with excellent
information and
links to help your
child to understand
each maths topic.
The School is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. We recommend adult supervision for all links to external sites.