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St. Brendan's National School, Cartron Point, Sligo
Dribblethon Fundraiser 22nd March , Save the Date
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February in First Class 2024

4th Mar 2024

February was another busy month in First Class.

We celebrated St Brigid's Day, Pancake Tuesday and The year of the Dragon in the Zodiac Calendar.

It was National Pizza day on the 9th of February so of course we had to celebrate with a slice of cheese pizza. Yum!Yum!

Ms. Barkey helped us make and decorate our pancakes on pancake Tuesday. Thank you Ms. Barkey. They were delicious.

We had our first STEM stations. We really enjoyed building with the  magna tiles. They were great fun.

We carried out investigations which is one of our favourite things to do in First Class. This month we investigated high and low sounds. 

We have been busy making beautiful pieces of art for Valentines Day.

Finally, we have started our Gaelic training with coach Michael.  Our Fundamental Movement  Skills are definitely being put into practice. It is already a big hit with all the boys and girls in first class.