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St. Brendan's National School, Cartron Point, Sligo
Dribblethon Fundraiser 22nd March , Save the Date
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🤩👏🎨🎭🎼🏡Google Classroom🏡🎼🎭🎨👏🤩

🤩👏🎨🎭🎼🏡Google Classroom🏡🎼🎭🎨👏🤩

In March, we received the news that the schools were closing due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. We started doing some school work activities at home using Google Classroom. 

Despite the Covid-19 crisis, we worked extra hard with our mammies and daddies and did lots of work for our classroom. We worked on water safety, and completed projects. We learned new songs and poems. We did lots of Art work - including a theme of "Under the Sea". We made videos, voice recordings and took lots of pictures to send to our teacher. Along with all these activities, we kept up our homework in literacy and numeracy. We did lots of reading. We also learned lots of new skills at home - baking, gardening and housework to name but a few. Some of us even learned to cycle without our stabilisers!


We are a really great class for working so hard. Although the Zoom meetings were nice, and it was lovely to catch up and see our friends, we really cannot wait to get back into school and learn with our teachers!


Well done to all the boys and girls, and families for some really impressive work during Lockdown 2020.