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St. Brendan's National School, Cartron Point, Sligo

Halloween in St. Brendan's

27th Oct 2023

What a fabulous fun day we had in St. Brendan's today. We started with a Halloween assembly in the morning where sixth class taught us all about the history of Halloween. Afterwards each class did a short performance of a song or poem. Well done to all the teachers who prepared them so well. 
After break we excitedly gathered outside for our annual Halloween parade around Cartron. We were a very colourful and noisy bunch as we took to the streets and made our way around the estate. Thanks to all the family members who joined and helped us make some noise. 
In the afternoon we rounded off a great day by taking part in a Halloween disco organised by our student council. Thanks to Luke and Mr. Murray who provided the music. Everybody had lots of fun and went home tired and happy. 
Have a great midterm break everyone and looking forward to seeing you all back in St. Brendan's on 6th November. 

Happy Halloween to all.