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St. Brendan's National School, Cartron Point, Sligo

Maths Week 2024

20th Oct 2024

We had a very exciting Maths Week at St. Brendan's N.S. this year!

The week was packed with events, including math quizzes, daily riddle competitions, maths trails, an estimation skittle jar contest, maths stem activities and maths games in An Cuan.The junior classes enjoyed play-based station activities, 2nd-4th class explored Bee-Bots and all classes engaged in a variety of fun maths activities in each classroom.

Second class had the chance to visit the local library, where they participated in a math-related project that involved creating art with tessellations. Their colorful polygons came together to form a cool pattern.  

We also hosted a ‘Maths is Fun’ workshop for the parents of Senior Infants, where the children showcased their fantastic maths games and activities.  

Extra special thanks go to the sixth-class pupils who worked diligently in the weeks leading up to Maths Week. They designed a math trail and created numerous activities for the junior classes. I think we can all agree that Eden from sixth class did an excellent job reading our daily riddle over the intercom. Well done, everyone!  

Lastly, a big thank you to all the teachers and SNAs for their help in making Maths Week a success this year. It was a great team effort!