Maths Week in Junior Infants
Junior Infants took part in some Maths activities this week as part of Maths week. We played some maths games and had lots of fun. We used the pumpkins from our Aistear farm shop to carry out some Maths investigations and develop our mathematical language-we compared the pumpkins for size, height and weight and whether or not they could roll. We named the shape (triangle) as teacher carved a pumpkin and in the afternoon used the pumpkin seeds to practice our counting skills. We counted up as far as 114!. We compared how many seeds each person had, who had more/less, how many more we needed to have the same as our partner etc.
St. Brendan's National School, Sunset Drive, Cartron Point, Sligo, F91 YTK2
Phone: 071-9145449 | Registered Charity Number: 20134617