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St. Brendan's National School, Cartron Point, Sligo
Dribblethon Fundraiser 22nd March , Save the Date
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May & June in Mrs Kelly’s Class

27th Jun 2024

We had lots of fun at school in May and June.

We went to the Bake Sale for the "Go Yellow" fundraiser. We went on a trip to Sligo Woodland School where we made seed bombs and toasted marshmallows on an open fire. We participated in a Creative Cluster Exhibition called Woodland Wonders in St Cecilia’s (pictures in a different post because there are so many). We did lots of sensory activities – dough, sand, chalk etc. We met two gerbils, Tom Tom and Gizmo. We had a visit from Sligo Library to tell us about the Summer Stars reading challenge. On the last day, we celebrated a birthday party.

We did more Attention Autism with Emer. This time we got to crack eggs over Mrs Kelly’s head!! We spent lots of time outside in the good weather. This kept us active as we are an Active School. We participated in Sports Day and a sponsored walk at the ATU.