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St. Brendan's National School, Cartron Point, Sligo
Dribblethon Fundraiser 22nd March , Save the Date
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October in Senior Infants 2022

15th Nov 2022

October really has been another busy month for us here in senior infants!

We have been very lucky to take part in many fun activities this month.

To start, we took part in a Zoom event hosted by Sligo County Library as part of October Children's Book Festival. Author Paddy Donnelly read his latest book 'Fox & Son Tailers'. After listening to the story, Paddy spoke to us about animal tails and the many beautiful, extravagant tails that animals all over the world have. He then led us in an illustration lesson, showing us how to draw a fox with an extravagant tail. Thank you Paddy.

Next, we were invited to 'Festival in a Van' at Cregg House by our friends from the Ukraine. We took part in a very special performance which celebrated Irish and Ukrainian culture. We were treated to Irish singing and dancing performances along with beautiful Ukrainian singing. We all danced and sang together. It was great to be able to share this experience together.

After this, we had the opportunity to observe a drumming performance by the Kakatsitsi drummers of Ghana. We were introduced to each member of the group and what they do (create outfits, make drums etc). We all stood up and danced along to their music. This was really fun.

Maths week - Our class took part in different fun activities each day for Maths week. We played games online and also took part in challenges in pairs. We had to work as a team and listen very carefully. It's easy to say that the competition was high, especially when a prize was announced for the winning pair! We were also very lucky to have students from 5th class join us with games that they had created just for our class. How kind!

Lastly, we cannot forget about Halloween. Our theme in class for Aistear this month was 'The Witches' Den' (pictures to follow). We created spooky ghosts and pumpkins for art. We attended our Halloween school assembly and also walked in our annual Halloween parade around the estate. It is safe to say, we have had a busy but super fun month. We cannot wait to see what November brings!