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St. Brendan's National School, Cartron Point, Sligo

Principal Marie Hurley's Retirement Announcement June 2024

6th Jun 2024

Principal Marie Hurley's Retirement Announcement June 2024

Dear pupils, parents, colleagues, family and friends. I wish to announce that I am retiring from my post as Principal of St.Brendan's NS at the end of August. The Board of Management has begun the appointment process and a new Principal will be in place for the new school year.  

I have worked hard for many years, diligently, conscientiously and I hope, fairly, on behalf of the school community. The time has finally come for me to slow down a little and start to enjoy other aspects of life. It won't be a complete stop, however, as I plan to continue to work in education over the next few years in a reduced capacity and at a slower pace, focusing on imparting some of the wisdom, experience and knowledge that I have gained through a long and varied career.  

I started my teaching career in 1986, joining the staff of St. Brendan's NS just a year after it opened. In the years since then, it is true to say that I grew up, in and with the school. I worked my way through the ranks joining the leadership and management team, first as a post-holder, then Assistant Principal. I was seconded to the Dept of Education's Primary Curriculum Support Programme for 3 years, before eventually taking up the Principal's post in 2007.  

Behind the scenes, I was also very busy designing and delivering training courses to teachers, writing schemes, manuals and even textbooks in the SESE, ICT and SEN areas. I represented teachers at union branch and district level and took an active role on many other local educational committees and organisations.  

I have seen and overseen huge changes throughout my career. As a teacher, I'm on my third "new curriculum"; as a Principal, I've gone from a mountain of handwritten paperwork to a daily avalanche of emails and digital data. In my current role, I proudly opened An Cuan in 2015 welcoming the first pupils with autism into our school family. This led to the significant building extension and renovations in 2019-2021 and a large increase in staff numbers. In more recent times, I worked hard to ensure everyone's safety during the Covid pandemic and introduced the values and changes that are demanded of our new DEIS status. Since 2016, I have managed and overseen St. Brendan’s NS' July Summer Programme for children with additional needs and in the last three years was glad to provide a welcome and safe haven for our international friends from Ukraine and other war-torn countries.  

When I wasn't working, I was busy raising two children as a single parent, both of whom are now successfully finished college and off on their own life journeys. Those who know me well will be aware that I was somewhat of an "accidental" Principal. My children were everything to me and I did what was needed to ensure that I could provide for them. When life got tough, as it does for many people, it was my motto to put my head down and work harder.  

While my family circumstance was my primary motivating force, it did gave me a unique perspective and an understanding that not every child has an equal start in life. Throughout my career, I met many families who have had very many difficult challenges to overcome, which unfortunately can go unnoticed by others. As a school leader I have tried to create an environment where every child is valued and gets the care and time that they need to build their confidence, skills, knowledge and resilience towards a better future for themselves.  

I have had the support of many good and caring people along the way and I will take the time to thank you all individually over the next few weeks. I'm lucky to be where I am, to have gotten a second chance in life and to be able to look forward to the more gentle years with hope, excitement and not a little satisfaction and pride.   

Most especially, it will be the memories of all the children that I have met along the way that I will keep in my heart. I speak to the children when I say: know that every time you smiled, said a kind word of thanks to me or waved at my car going over the bumps in Cartron, you brightened my day and reminded me that my work was valuable. Continue to smile at each other every day, do small acts of kindness for your family and friends, encourage each other and work together to try to make your little corner of the world better for yourself and everyone in it. Remember, there are always new things to learn in life. You can always take on new challenges and change direction as long as you are willing to keep learning. I will be busy learning to be much better at playing the piano!

I wish, as I have always done, the very best for you all, 

Marie Hurley