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St. Brendan's National School, Cartron Point, Sligo

Covid 19 Response Plan Return to School Sept. 2021


Covid 19 Updated list of symptoms

Know the Symptoms of COVID-19
In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 it is important to know and recognise the
symptoms of coronavirus (which includes the DELTA variant).

Common symptoms of coronavirus include:

 a fever (high temperature - 38 degrees Celsius or above).
 a new cough - this can be any kind of cough, not just dry.
 shortness of breath or breathing difficulties.
 loss or change in your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you
cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
 Fatigue
 Aches and Pains
Other uncommon symptoms of coronavirus include:
 sore throat
 headaches
 runny or stuffy noses
 feeling sick or vomiting
 diarrhoea

Your child must be kept at home if you notice any of these symptoms.

Call your doctor or pharmacist for advice and inform the school.

Do not bring your child out in public to prevent spread to others.


24th August 2021

Dear parents, pupils and staff,

We are currently working on our Covid safety plan in time for returning to school on 31st August.

The good news is that most of the protocols (rules) will be the same as last year. We were really good at keeping our distance, washing and sanitising our hands, staying at home when we were sick, keeping in contact with the school when any questions or difficulties arose, staying calm and positive. It will be no trouble at all to continue doing these little things again this year to keep everyone safe and well.

There will be a few new things eg small changes to classroom layouts, drop-off points, ventilation, symptoms to look out for etc.

We also have some new and exciting changes in the building- some lovely new teachers, a brand new, fully-finished sensory room; plans already in motion for an outdoor classroom, garden and play area and work to commence fairly soon on a purpose-built sensory garden. We have lots to look forward to and will keep you updated through this website on all developments. 

To keep up to date with all the latest information, make sure that your school app and notifications are working. Contact if you need help with this.

I will start to upload documents and helpful information to this page as soon as they become available.

This time last year I wrote:

"Re-opening the school safely will require the co-operation of all members of our School Community – BoM, School Leadership, Staff, Parents and Pupils. We will all be called on to play our part in ensuring that re-opening of the school is done in a safe manner which prevents the spread of the virus and allows the vital work of Teaching and Learning to proceed with as little disruption as possible.

We are really looking forward to welcoming our children back to school and will be doing all that we can to ensure that the return to school is a safe and enjoyable experience for the children".

Thanks to the way we all worked together- children, parents, staff and Board of Management- we kept everyone safe last year and only missed a much shorter amount of school compared with the previous year. This year, our aim can be even more ambitious- to keep our school and classes open for the whole year by working together to keep it covid-free!

I look forward to seeing you all in-person next week.

Marie Hurley 




21st Dec 2021
We have been asked by the HSE to disseminate the information below to parents/guardians....